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Trustee of Trust Funds Minutes 01/07/2016
Greenfield, NH
Trustees of Trust Funds Meeting Minutes

Meeting date:  January 7, 2016 @ 4:30 p.m.
Attendees:  Ken Paulsen, Vicki Norris, and Linda Nickerson

Discussed the Town need for a 6-Wheeler  in the amount of $68,000 for new truck which was approved by the select board. Charter Trust was notified to issue a check for $20,000 from the Highway Equipment CRF as part of the payment.

Request was received to expend $7,443 from the non-apparatus fund for safety apparel needed in the fire department.  Motion made to approve this expense by Ken and acceptance was unanimous.

Charter Trust meeting is coming up quickly set for January 14th @ 4:30 p.m. at the Town Offices.  

Ken reminded us that Kim LaCoste our contact at Charter Trust will be out on maternity leave come March and Paul Hickey will be our contact during her absence.  Our relationship with Charter Trust so far has been very good.  Reminder that our relationship is long term with market changes happening regularly.

2015 Town annual report needs to be provided to the Town by January 10th.  Work was done by all for what to include as a synopsis.  Linda will work on draft for approval prior to submitting.

Ken advised that we should create a procedure manual for ease in understanding the process of the Trustee of Trusts responsibilities.  He started and we will follow his format going forward.  We hope to have something completed by the end of 2016.

Meeting was adjourned at 6:12 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Vicki Norris